Tot tantrum trouble?

It’s no secret that raising young children can be challenging. Every parent of a preschooler can relate to a child’s refusing to eat, talking back, doing the one thing you’ve asked them not do repeatedly (like climbing the furniture or slamming a door). But sometimes, these behaviors begin to interfere with a child’s socialization and learning.

Ten to 30 percent of young children exhibit what health and educational professionals call “challenging behaviors.” These can include tantrums, not following instructions, and showing aggression. Unfortunately, rather than helping children learn to better control their behavior, many early childhood programs expel these children.

Take advantage of local resources, such as the Incredible Years – BASIC program for parents of children ages 3 to 6. The 14-week program, offered in 22 counties, gives parents an opportunity to learn about child development and behavior as well as strategies to better communicate with and set boundaries for their children. Read more . . .

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