The Origins of Literacy

The Economist has published a fascinating article on the origins of literacy. It discusses research by a  a cognitive neuroscientist that suggests because reading is a relatively new skill in human development, the brain has to unlearn older, more developed survival...

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Are we investing enough in the learning and development of our youngest children?

Early Learning Left Out: Building an Early Childhood System to Secure America’s Future, 3rd Edition answers a simple but critically important question: Are we investing enough in the learning and development of our youngest children? The conclusions indicate that the...

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The Power of Books

"Children raised in homes with many books gained the equivalent of three more years of schooling than children from bookless homes." That's one of the key findings of an international study in the June 2010 issue of Research in...

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The Gap Between Intention & Action

There is an excellent article in The American Prospect, titled Literacy Begins at Birth. It's an essential read for anyone who cares about early education policy. Here's the lead: Early childhood education has become the public-policy bobblehead of our time....

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