Goals for North Carolina’s System

Identified Goals are:

  • CHOICE – To advance a continuum of home visiting and parent education models and intensity, with equitable access to families in need and seeking the services.
  • QUALITY SUPPORTS – To align and coordinate home visiting and parenting education in a manner that maximizes the potential of the workforce and each model, leverages the best of knowledge and supports across the early childhood system, and results in mutually reinforcing activities across models and the system.
  • RACIAL EQUITY – To build and maintain a system that remediates racial and economic inequities through the equitable access points, quality and distribution of services.
  • INTEGRATION – To develop a system that will advance home visiting and parenting education while fully integrating home visiting and parenting education as part of the bigger system of early childhood, maternal and child health, and social services in North Carolina.
  • IMPACT – To develop and operationalize, supporting at a systemic level, strategies that maximize resources, support efficiency in operations, allow for leveraging of model impacts and implementation approaches, and are continuously informed by outcomes for children and families.
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