Congressman Bob Etheridge’s Responds Early Childhood Questionnaire

From What’s New for Chatham Kids, a blog by the Chatham County Partnership for Children:

Congressman Bob Etheridge’s Response to Chatham County Partnership for Children Candidate Questionnaire 

Throughout my time in public service, as a county commissioner, as a member of the state legislature, as North Carolina’s superintendent of public schools, and now as your Representative in Congress, creating a better future for our children has been my top priority.  Whether it is improving our schools through the Etheridge School Construction Bonds, supporting expansions in child nutrition funding and early childhood education, or helping families get access to healthcare and health education, I have always put our children first, and will continue to do so in the future.

I support expansions in education funding from pre-school to job training and college degrees, because I know that education is the key to the future.  I have worked to increase teacher training and to provide funding for teachers to make sure every child has a highly-qualified teacher in their classroom.  I strongly support Smart Start, Head Start, early Head Start, and early reading initiatives, because the foundation for success is laid early in life.

My wife, Faye, and I are now the proud grandparents of seven beautiful young grandchildren.   You can be sure that, should I be reelected, I will continue my work to provide services for young children and families to make sure that all of our children are able to develop and thrive in healthy communities and get the early education support they need.

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