What is Effective Early Childhood Professional Development?

What does research tell us about effective professional development of early childhood educators? According to a literature review prepared for the U.S. Department of Education, not as much as we would like. The authors of the report found that “that the research on early childhood professional development is at an early stage.”

While significant questions remain, the review identified several criteria that can serve as a starting point.

The evidence suggests that professional development for early childhood educators may be more effective when:

  • There are specific and articulated objectives for professional development.
  • Practice is an explicit focus of the professional development, and attention is given to linking the focus on early educator knowledge and practice.
  • There is collective participation of teachers from the same classrooms or schools in professional development.
  • The intensity and duration of the professional development is matched to the content being conveyed.
  • Educators are prepared to conduct child assessments and interpret their results as a tool for ongoing monitoring of the effects of professional development.
  • It is appropriate for the organizational context and is aligned with standards for practice.

Download the complete review.
Toward the Identification of Features of Effective Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators Literature Review.
Prepared for U.S. Department of Education Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development Policy and Program Studies Service by Child Trends.

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