Governor Cooper Proclaims February Parenting Education Month

Governor Cooper proclaimed February Parenting Education Awareness Month. Early childhood home visiting and parenting education (HVPE) programs ensure children are ready to learn, improve child health, and keep children safe. Evidence shows that opportunities and resources are not equitable across the state. By funding and supporting more HVPE programs we can drive needed interventions for children across the state to ensure each child has the tools they need to thrive.

The finance and support of home visiting and parenting education programs can support the remediation of racial and economic inequities through equitable access points and the distribution of quality services.

Universally available, voluntary early childhood home visiting and parenting education programs can improve families’ wellbeing and improve racial equity by providing families with the support needed to ensure children are safe and healthy.

For more information about home visiting and parent education, visit:

Join the celebration of February as Parenting Education Month by sharing the news through your personal and professional networks.  Already, early childhood supporters, educators, and leaders are sharing the news of the new proclamation. Check out the new Parenting Education Awareness Video! 

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